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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 25, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. bill: good monday morning, everyone. fox news alert. dangerous new developments in syria. the leader of the western-backed opposition group has resigned. the founder of the rebel-free syrian army, the main group challenging the assad regime seriously injured in a car bombing. a number of developments here as we welcome you to whole new week here on "america's newsroom.". i'm bill hemmer. martha has time for the family. >> i'm heather childers, nice to be here again. secretary of state john kerry is in the middle east. he is urging iraq to stop
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letting iran use its airspace to shuttle weapons and soldiers to the syrian government >> for those of us engaged in the effort to see president assad step down and a see a democratic process take hold with a transitional government government according to the geneva communique, for those of us engaged in that effort, anything that supports president assad is problematic. bill: so iran claims the flights contain humanitarian supplies. conor powell in the middle east bureau in jerusalem. first of all who is behind the car bomb, the car bomb hit on the rebel commander? >> reporter: so often is the case, bill, really tough to get accurate information coming out of syria. but it is not clear if it was the syrian regime that launched this assassination attempt or if it was sort of opposition rebel fact -- faction that may have
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launched attack on the colonel of the he is reportedly in stable condition in turkey after the attack. he was one of the original founders of the free syrian army. it has been somewhat marge alized last several months. the colonel was never able to. the attack occurred while touring a rebel area. there is the possibility that there was internal rebel politics at play though rebels say this was an attack carried out by the syrian regime, bill. is very if. bill: we mentioned the opposition leader has resigned. conor, do we know why? >> reporter: well, no. again, a lot of confusion. now the leader is a leading opposition figure. he is very well-respected internationally and syria. he offered his resignation yesterday but it was rejected by rebel leaders. on facebook he said he was resigning it due to the restrictions on his work. the overall inner-workings of the syrian opposition is
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complicated. many fighters don't report to opposition leaders based in turkey, jordan and internationally. despite countries around the world to sort of organize the opposition it is really a fragmented organization. bill, is more evidence how chaotic and confused this entire situation is between the assassination attempt and the resignation. it should be pointed out al katab is leading a tell mitigation to qatar and is part of the mix but what his future holds for the syrian opposition is still unknown. bill: thank you, conor powell live in jerusalem. secretary kerry surprise stop in iraq over the weekend and now in afghanistan and kabul. the attention and focus for him in some of the visits especially in baghdad what is happening here in iran. we mentioned these overflights go over the country of iraq. damascus and tehran claim these are humanitarian
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flights but the united states clearly not so convinced. tell you what you find though, heather. over the past seven days or so, perhaps coincides to the president's trip to the middle east. you get a sense of movement in the story. whether anything comes of it we do not know. there is movement in these headlines. heather: israel urn returning fire into syria as well which we'll talk about a little later. a major 13-state pro gun control push starting today. it supports tougher gun laws. new york city mayor michael bloomberg, the group called mayors against illegal guns, launching it. >> for me guns are for hunting and protecting my family. i believe in the second amendment and i will fight to protect it but with rights come responseabilities. heather: the national rifle association ceo blasting the campaign. why he says at that bloomberg is trying to buy america. is he right? we'll have a fair and
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balanced debate just ahead. bill: meantime a public memorial for the colorado prisons chief gun gunned down in his own front door. tom clements laid to rest in a private ceremony on sunday. the top suspect in the murder killed during a shootout with texas police. it happened thursday. high-speed chase the investigators say a gun found in the suspect's car does indeed much match the same brand and caliber and bullet in the murder in colorado. colorado and texas this race went. guns tests could be back today. the suspect was a member of white supremacist group. he was on parole and suspect in a murder of a pizza deliveryman eight days ago. heather: wall street breathing a sigh of relief this morning. cyprus reach as last minute bailout deal to save its financial system from total collapse and avoid possible exit from the euro. the rescue package scraps a
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controversial plan to put a tax on private bank deposits. but a top european official says europe may need help paying the bills. >> the euro area member-states are committed to assist cyprus in its adjustment process and have reaffirmed that the size of the financial assistance will amount to 10 billion euro. we would obviously welcome a contribution by the imf. heather: so, question is, who wins, who loses in this deal? stuart varney is the host of "varney & company" on the fox business network and he is here to answer that question for us. so who wins, who loses? >> heather, let's start with the oozers. the russian mob, number one. losers big-time. they will confiscate 30% or more of those depositers and money in the bank if they have got more than 100,000 euros. a lot of those people are russian. they will lose big-time. secondly, the cypriot people, they lose.
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the island is already in chaos and they face an economic depression. there are some forecasts that cyprus will lose 20% of its economy. that is a depression. so those two are losers. the russian mob and the peel of cyprus. the winner here so far looks to be germany's angela merkel. she has forced the cypriots to pay up as a price for staying in the euro. they won a major victory getting that money out of cyprus and beating back the russians. there you have it. heather: so you said the russians basically lose their shirts over this. do you think they will take this lying down? what can they do? >> no, they're not. what they can do is up in the air but remember russia supplies a lot of energy to western europe in the form of natural gas. this fall it is possible, purely speculative it is possible some of those energy supplies will be squeezed. russian mob does not losing billions of dollars.
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vladmir putin, good friend with some of the oligarches, he is not happy. heather: we're here in the good ol' u.s. of a, so any impact on us here? >> yes. minor leagues but we're breathing a sigh of relief. when the stock market opened this monday morning even though it followed a series of all-time record highs you will probably see stocks go up a little bit more at opening bell this morning because of a bailout of cyprus. heather: stu varney, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. you've been busy. >> yep. bill: detroit is taking a big step to solve its financial issues. the new emergency financial manager starts today. kevyn orr, a bankruptcy lawyer and rescue specialist. orr saying failure is not an option when it comes to digging the city out of a deep financial hole. detroit has $14 billion in long-term liabilities. that includes underfunded pension programs. this is a big, big job. heather: a lot of people planning on protesting that
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today. we'll see what happens. newly ordained pope francis holding the palm sunday mass. marks the start of holy week leading up to easter. the vatican estimates that 250,000 faithful jammed into st. peter's square to hear the pope's message of hope. the pontiff encouraging them to be young and humble at heart. >> he is young at heart at 76. there was an image put out over the weekend of this. two popes, at the same time, in the same place. it's been 600 years since we have seen something like this. really quite an image. pope benedict said we're brothers here. they went off to pray together. you notice, put the picture up one more time of the the helicopter behind both of them. this is a long way from the bus that used to take him to bain knows heiress to work in the morning. heather: that's true -- bain no, sir air. bill: why the cdc is warning
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about feeding infants formula or breast milk too soon. we'll have details. heather: vice president joe biden with controversial comments about the party across the aisle of the we'll talk about what he said. bill: also a top lawmaker saying a red line has indeed been crossed in syria with a use of chemical weapons with he claims. kt macfarland is here live with why she says the president's next move could potentially set a dangerous precedent. >> you think about what's's happening in congress, you have republicans and democrats in the senate. national security leaders coming out saying we believe we're at a point where we need to take some action. 70,000 syrians dead. the possibility that chemical weapons are on the move or have been used. same in the house of representatives. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's.
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heather: well thousands waking up without power right now. a line of powerful storms ripping through central florida. high winds snapping trees, traffic lights just not
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working. hundreds of intersections turning a lot of streets into obstacle kel courses. >> it was a bad windstorm. worst i have ever seen. >> more than 50 miles an hour you think. >> easily. easily. don't want to guess. it was fast and loud. >> some areas had over 70. >> i believe it. it didn't seem to be weak at all. toppled down like nothing. >> i watched her leave. next thing you know, our daughter britney tells the tree came down and went right in, put a whole through the roof right where she said. it was right there. so pretty much devastated the house. heather: good news in all this. no injuries reported. bill: the good old month of march has six days to turn into a lam. heather: i don't think that is going to happen. bill: she ain't acting that way at all. heather: not at all. bill: vice president biden looking at republican party
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that leader list was impossible to work with at a democratic event. quote, there is no leadership. nobody you can sit across the table from, shake hands, make a deal with. what about this? stephen hayes, senior writer "weekly standard", fox news contributor. food -- good morning. >> quite a comment from a vice president working for president obama who has been on the endless charm offensive over the past several weeks. suggests to me the charm offensive may have been more than a pr stunt than anything else. they weren't actually trying to get a deal, if they thought they couldn't, this is something they were doing for the media. bill: he said a lot actually based on this account. hard to identify who the party is. then he said this. this is the first time i've heard it, if you heard it, tell me. there were five occasions which house leaders negotiated with him, only to call hours or days later say what we agreed to joe, we can not do. have you heard that before? >> no, i hadn't and jumped out at me. one of the things we heard going back to the debt
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ceiling negotiations in the summer of 2011, john boehner saying in effect the president played loosesy and -- lucy and yanked football and was not keeping his word on obligations he said he would undertake. i wonder if joe biden going back to offer a at this time for at that time argument? would be interesting to for reporters would follow up. what were the five occasions? what were the specific deals and how did republicans back out at them? bill: what date did it happen and what did republicans supposedly promise you and how did they renege on that. >> right. bill: here is john boehner, 10 days ago, similar topic here. listen to the speaker. >> republicans want to balance the budget. the president doesn't. republicans want to solve our long-term debt problem. the president doesn't. we want to unlock our energy resources to put more americans back to work. the president doesn't. bill: he also said it will take more than dinner dates
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and phone calls. and that goes back to your point about the charm offensive. like, what is truly working here, if anything? >> yeah, i mean i was skeptical from the charm offensive from the beginning. it is just not consistent with what we know about the president. the president has laid out a plan for his second term agenda which is dependent having democrats retake the house in 2014. he was very clear about that. his staff, campaign staff, his team leaked details of his plan to the "washington post" and to others. so he wants to villainize, or demonize republicans in order to run against them in 2014. i think that is exactly what the vice president is saying here. and doesn't surprise me at all frankly that's what they're doing. what does surprise me they're doing it so close on the heels of their self-proclaimed charm offensive. they didn't give that much time to work if they were serious about trying to find some deal. bill: like in washington, whether you believe it or not, you have to be careful whom you offend because you will need something from
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them. what biden said, the economy is waiting to be unlocked. enthey went on to say that's why we desperately need to you elect at least 17 democrats. 17 democrats in the house would give them the majority come 2014. >> yeah. look, it is a very, very ambitious goal. i believe the last time that the president has won that number of house seats in a six-year election, a mid, six year midterm was 1822. he has got his work cut out for him. i would suggest joe biden remember, house republicans were elected to do a job too. and they're doing, for their constituents exactly what they said they would do in the last election. so it is not as if republicans would bend to the president's will simply because he won an election. bill: that point is that the focus is on the debt. which one might argue would not be there unless you had house republicans pushing for that or at least holding
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the line. one final point, you say biden has given the game up here. what does that mean? >> yeah, look, i just think if there were a real charm offensive, if they actually wanted to find a deal, what would you not see is the vice president of the united states out insulting house republicans as the president was in theory trying to make a deal with them. he would be doing everything he could say to we're glad at the table. we think there is common ground. there are points where we can agree. instead he is out campaigning and insulting them because i think ultimately he wants to run against them in 2014. bill: we'll follow the point you made about these four or five opportunities where there is a so-called agreement and then it did not happen. >> would be good to get details, exactly. bill: that would make a heck of a story if indeed it is true. steve hayes, thank you for your time. >> thank you, bill. bill: heather. heather: an 11th hour challenge by postal workers. a nationwide protest. what employees say the best
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option is and not ending saturday service. bill: how young is too young to feed your baby solid food? the cdc is out with a warning every parent needs to hear.
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bill: cleanup crews tearing down two homes destroyed when a plane crashed into them. about 250 people lived in the neighborhood forced out of their homes. the crash badly damaged a third home. two men killed in the accident, including steve davis. and steve davis is former star quarterback at the university of oklahoma. he led the team to national championships in 1974 and
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1975. heather: so there's a new warning out for parents of newborns. a study just out says more and more mothers, they appear to be feeding their baby solid food way too soon. now the centers for disease control says that that could lead to serious health problems later on. dr. richard fershein is joins us now hope fully to clear some of this because there is lot of confusion over it. apparently there is study, initially parents were told not to feed their babies solid food up to four months. then last year that was extended to six months. so why? why should babies not get solid food prior to that age? >> there are a number about reasons why. certainly the main reason it is linked with problems later on, obesity, siliac disease, heart disease, because we're teaching
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children to consume foods too early. what we want mothers to know they should be breast feeding at least up until six months. possibly to two years if they can. they shouldn't be introducing solid foods before six months. children are just not able to handle it. heather: what about, there's, you say a, misnomer, a myth, that it helps babies sleep at night? a lot of moms say i get my baby and get them started on solid food because they end up sleeping? >> that is absolutely not true. sleep something babies learn to do. by feeding a child too early, you basically might be giving them indigestion. they might experience certain intolerances. that may be fatiguing them and putting them to sleep. that is not the kind of sleep you want to teach your child to do. heather: other moms say i know my baby is ready for solid food. how in fact do you know that? >> the baby will tell you when they're ready for solid
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food. they put hands to their mouth, make chewing motions and maybe able to grab a fork. when a child is not able to hold their head up, in the study they found 9% of mothers were feeding solid foods at a month and six months that went high as 90%. moms need to be educated when to know their child is ready. one of the ways you know your child tells you. heather: that is what you mentioned putting their hands in their mouth. >> and chewing. making motions that tell you they're ready to go. heather: you know moms that choose it use formula, it can get competent sensitive. -- expensive. another reason it is a economic factor to start child on solid food earlier. >> between four and six months the child is consuming a lot of formula. we need to find better ways for mom with difficulty, have not been educated who may not beable able to afford formula, get the
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formula at less expensive prices so they can be doing the right thing for their baby. >> the bottom line, it is a real danger to the baby to start them on solid food prior it six months? >> it it is significant risk on both sides in terms of development of the giving them something they can't digest and lack the enzymes and bacteria in their gut that allow them to consume the foods. we're also creating problems later in life because they're prone to problems like diabetes and obesity. heather: talk to your pediatrician? >> that is the best advice. heather: we appreciate you clearing it up for us. bill: good to know. 27 minutes past the hour. new york city mayor michael bloomberg has a new idea, and that idea is under fire. why some accuse him of trying to buy america. >> he can't spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the american public. he can't buy america. a growing majority of americans have come to believe it's time to allow marriage for gay and lesbian couples. here's why.
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our daughter, emma. a gay couple in my ministry. my sister-in-law. my brother, octavio. a business partner. our moms. my son. my sister irene, a police officer. my brother keyan. my neighbor. our godson. it's time to give gay and lesbian couples the freedom to marry. it's time for marriage.
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i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge!
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heather: new outrage, 13-state pro gun control ad blitz. new york city mayor michael bloomberg, and his mayors for gun control group rolling out a $12 million ad push today. >> guns are for hunting and protecting my family. i believe in the second amendment and i will fight to protect it. but with rights come responsibilities. that's why i support comprehensive background checks so criminals and dangerously mentally ill can't buy guns. heather: well a new "fox
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news poll" shows 85% of registered voters in fact back universal background checks. other proposals for gun control coming in behind that. still critics accuse mayor bloom trying to buy public opinion. >> he is going to find out this is a krunt tri of the people, when i by the people and for the people. he can't spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the american public. they don't want him in their restaurants. they don't want him in their homes. they don't want him to telling what food to eat. they sure don't want to them them what self-defense firearms to own. he can't buy america. he is so reckless in terms of comments on this whole gun issue. heather: well, let's talk about all this with "daily beast" columnist kirsten powers and "national review" editor rich lowery. both are fox news contributors. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having us. >> good morning. heather: let's start with this. if you live in new york you know all too well mayor
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bloomberg, also known as the nanny in chief. he has taken aim at all kind of things. sodium and prepared meals and chain restaurants to post calorie counts. ban smoking. ban on 32-ounce sugary sodas. the list goes on of the now he is taking his crusade on to gun control. he is taking it to 13 states beyond new york city. do you think he is in fact trying to buy america? or is he, you know, providing some balance, a counter wait of sorts to the nra? kirsten i will start with you. >> i think he is absolutely providing a counterbalance to the nra i find wayne lapierre's comments just sort of bizarre. he is basically saying that the nra can do what they do. they can run ads of the they can try to persuade senators to vote a certain way but nobody else can. and i don't think running ads is imposing your will on people. i think it is running ads and letting people be
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informed and make a decision and being an advocate. mayor bloomberg is being an advocate for a position and there is nothing wrong with that. heather: rich, what do you think?. >> i think that is basically right. it is a free country. you can spend as much money as you want. i think the reason why you saw a such a strong reaction from wayne la pierre going to opening marks of the segment nra, would love, love, mayor bloom to be public face of gun control in america. the man associated with intruding himself into ordinary's people he is business. who wants to ban and prohibit a bunch of different things so the nra loves this fight with mayor bloomberg. heather: really what he is trying to do here is influence votes by senators prior to the debate hitting the senate floor when they return from recess but in these states he is targeting, those 13 states, shouldn't the senators listen to their constituents and earned those the ones that should
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be influencing their votes? here are the 1 states involved, kirsten? >> they absolutely should. if you look at the poll they put up, public sentiment seems to be in favor of the most of the measures the senate will be voting on. the least amount of support went for the assault weapons ban. that was 51%. that is not even a part of the bill in front of congress. so i think that mayor bloomberg is actually, his advocacy is lined up more with the sentiment of the american people than what the nra is doing. look, i support the nra's right to make their case and to run ads but i do think they need to have a counterbalance and they haven't really had a counterbalance. that's why i think they're freaking out about mayor bloomberg. they haven't had anybody with the kind of resources to come up against them until now. heather: rich, he has used those resources successfully before, at least, two house races. one in california last november and then, in the special house election just
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last month, regarding representative or former representative jesse jackson, jr. do you think this time around he can be successful on the senate side, given its's march, it's an off year? do you think timing matters? >> you're right, he has been able to influence a couple of democratic primaries. maybe he will be able to do that going forward. i don't think he will move the needle nationally. the couple things, the key to nra influence isn't in spending money. that is part of it but the real foundation of its influence is the fact that it has a wide-ranging membership. that is extremely devoted to and extremely involved. and that's what you would need to have on the other side to have a true counter balance of the not just putting up a bunch of ads. a lot of ads are targeting democrats because red state democrats are the problem from bloomberg's perspective. they're the reason the assault weapons ban is going to go nowhere. it is true polls show
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widespread to universal background checks. when you get down to the nitty-gritty when chuck schumer is proposing in his background check in the senate it includes ridiculous measures no one would ever support. leave your gun with your roommate for seven days you need to do a background check or you're violating the law. you loan your gun to someone at gun range. these things are ridiculous. if actually polled you would see no support for them. heather: schumer negotiating with the nra to come up with some sort of alternate proposal. another concern how the info would be stored and if this leads to a national registry for guns. a lot of people saying that is what would be an infringement on their second amendment rights. we'll see what happens. thank you both for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. heather: thanks. ♪ . ♪ wait a minute, mr. postman
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♪. heather: a little dance there. bill: postal workers taking to the streets as part of a nationwide effort to save six-day mail delivery. post office lost 16 billion the last year, says eliminating saturday mail will save $2 billion a year. employees say there are better options however to save money. >> a lot of carriers are concerned. we don't know what is going to happen. we would like a solution. bottom line, if you want to keep the post offices open, continue on saturday delivery, you let congress know to make sensible, reasonable changes. >> we need to make sure our folks are able to get their mail delivered and deliver their mail on saturdays. >> we have lost 27% of our total volume of mail. you can't sit back and do nothing. bill: that is true. workers are in luck. thursday congress passed legislation requiringsix-day de. now goes to president obama to sign it into law.
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which means the post office has to go back to the drawing board in this case. to find another way to save money because this was one of the ways they could have done that. heather: you know what they say about the postman? bill: what's that. heather: through rain, sleet, through snow they always deliver. bill: we have a lot of that today. heather: exactly. a major winter storm rolling through the east. a live look at cleveland. a mess there this morning. where else the storm is hitting right now. bill: a lot of places too. there is growing evidence syria crossed that red line by using chemical weapons. triggering calls for greater u.s. involvement in that country's civil war. >> i look at all the data points over the last two years from these intelligence reports and i believe there is high probability that some level of chemical weapons were used in syria by the assad regime. @e@8ñúñ÷@@@0@ú
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bill: so a top u.s. law i canner -- lawmaker saying the u.s. government crossed
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a red line saying it used chemical weapons against opposition forces. now he is urging the u.s. to get more involved in syria's civil war to prevent further bloodshed. >> i think it is abundantly clear that that red line has been crossed. there is mounting evidence that it is probable that the assad regime has used least a small quantity of chemical weapons during this conflict. bill: moo i can religionkers. kt macfarland, fox news security analyst. >> good morning. >> red line, chemical weapons, why is it a week later and there still seems to be a nebulous question whether or not chemical weapons were used or not? >> it is hard to say they were used there are no reporters there. syrian government will not talk about it. when assad's father used chemical weapons against his own people 30 years ago we didn't know until months later. it is not question of whether the line will be
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crossed. it will be cross. whether yesterday, or next week or next month. my concern is not just punishing assad of syria using his chemical weapons against the people of syria, is our getting our hands on the weapons before they're dispersed. you and i talked two years ago about the libyan civil war and united states involvement. i said i didn't care about what happened to qaddafi. i cared about qaddafi's arsenal. that arsenal was never secured. we know qaddafi's arsenal in libya is fueling all islamic radicals throughout the region, mali, all the way to gaza. that is who is fighting in libya. that is qaddafi's weapons because we failed to get our hands on them. bill: you make a great point about syria right now. would you claim or make the statement that the regime is collapsing now? and if indeed it does, what do you do with the chemical weapons, or, who gets their hands on them? >> that is the critical question. in the last 48 hours we've seen the head of the opposition forces resign. there has been a suicide bomb. this regime is crumbling and what us did it crumble to?
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it will not be george washington accepting a surrender at yorktown of the this will be a lot of different militias training their arms on each other ones assad is engone. that is why it is so important for us and regional allies where are the chemical weapons? who will get their hands on them who will he destroy them? who will prevent that they fall into the hands of the bad guys? we won't have weeks to do that. we will have dies, hours. bill: i don't know how you game this out in your own mind but how does the united states secure chemical weapons in the a country where there is an ongoing civil war, you don't know who is in favor of whom and you have at least a dozen sites in the central and northern part of that country? how do you do it? >> it will not be easy. you certainly don't want to put boots on the ground. nobody wants a middle east war that goes on forever. all of syria's regional neighbors they all want the chemical weapons secured as well, whether turkey, israel, jordan, us. some of those countries will have much better
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intelligence what the location of weapons are. who is guarding them. what condition are they in. we need to work with the groups. not big units of land armies but small special-ops forces to be ready to go in at a moment's notice and secure them, destroy them, get them out of the bad guys. bill: you would do that then? you would give the green light to that? >> i would give the green light in advance. when it happens that is not when you will start maybe mobilizing. when it happens you will maybe hours a day or two to get your hands on the stuff. qaddafi's weapons disappeared within a few days. we never saw them going. bill: mike rogers has been consistent on it. >> consistent and very good. bill: i don't know what they told him in the briefing last week but something was said to him and also senator feinstein on the senate side that scared them quite a bit. they were given information that would be alarming. granted that is all classified. >> yeah. bill: but if you allow syria to use chemical weapons and don't respond what does that say to you? >> like telling your kid to
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eat your vegetables or else. and the kid doesn't eat its vegetables and there is no punishment. not only does that kid not east vegetables again but the rest of the kids either. if they cross the red line and we don't do anything bit not only does assad feel he has the green light to go use them again but everybody else in the world says, well, there is no punishment assad of syria using chemical weapons. obama said same thing about iran, north korea, no ex-nukes for you guys. what does that mean? if his credibility is zero because he hasn't stood by the red line i think that is problem. the problem is the rest of the world using chemicals. bill: how you interpret that if you're leading some other nations in the region either you have them or want to have them. one more question. >> yeah. bill: it appears over the past seven days and i think this paralleled to president obama's trip to israel that this story moved at a level it has not moved before. >> absolutely. bill: senator kerry in iraq and afghanistan with iran
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sandwiched between the two of them. do you get the sail sense and if so are with is it going? >> i think it is speeding up, whatever happens in syria i don't think it will drag on for another two years. the problem with it once assad leaves and it collapses, it gets worse. it doesn't get better. there are a lot of our militias, there are democratic pro-democracy guys and islamic rad kls and al qaeda elements in the groups. they will start turning guns on each other because none of them want the other rebel group to get in charge. bill: thank you, kt macfarland here in new york. >> thanks. bill: heather? heather: heading to bankruptcy court. a large american city trying to deal with nearly a billion dollar problem. is this just the start of what we could see other cities going bust? bill: an issue there, right? another government agency busted for wasteful spending over a parody training video of the why the irs is now accused of wasting your tax dollars.
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>> how fast can you beam up the landing party and then get us the heck out of here? >> i could give you, seven or watt 7. we are recovering from last winter's frozen meteor storms. we're trying to recover as fast as we can. victor! i got your campbell's chunky soup. mom? who's mom? i'm the giants mascot. eat up! new jammin jerk chicken soup has tasty pieces of chicken with rice and beans. you know the giants don't have a mascot right mom? [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right.
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bill: this is not the way you want to yell fore. weather causing major problems for golfers at arnold palmer invitational. that is in orlando. powerful storms ripping through the central part of the state. suspended play. of the tents and umbrellas. sent five of nbc cameras tumbling to the drowned. a lot of folks running for shelter. look at this shot. this was before the rain. sergio garcia climbing high through an oak tree.
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located his ball, stuck between the branches, and then this happened. roll it. [inaudible] >> that is what he has -- >> yeah!. bill: how about that? dude. heather: dude. bill: he hit his shot one-handed, backwards behind his back, in a tree, and it landed in the fairway. heather: that is the thing. landed in fairway. he jumped down about eight feet after he did that. bill: that was nothing. heather: you know. bill: you climb a tree and hit a ball backwards with a golf club. >> do that every weekend. i'm a great player. well, maybe not. bill: just at the moment. sergio. heather: like the big fish you catch, right? the u.s. reaching a new milestone in greenhouse gas emissions. a new government report says
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co2 emissions are down 14% in the first five months of 2012. that is down from their peak in 2007 and is in fact the lowest level in 20 years. william la jeunesse is live for us ins los angeles with more on this story. good morning, william. >> reporter: for all the blame directed at united states for global warming this is something you don't hear. emissions are falling faster here than in europe not thanks to biofuels and electric cars but to natural gas. >> solar energy gets cheaper by the year of the let's drive down costs even further. >> reporter: while the president talks about alternatives, the unsung hero in america's clean energy revolution is natural gas. >> it is underreported because it is not wind and solar. it is natural gas. that is still a fossil fuel. >> reporter: carbon dioxide emissions in the u.s. are at the lowest level in 20 years thanks in part to natural gas. production far greater than europe which relies on billions and subsidies to
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for wind and solar. >> it is cleanest fossil fuel there is. >> reporter: environmentalists the loudest voice in the global warming debate refuse to concede a fossil fuel helped clean the air. >> when you compare gas to clean energy it hinders our efforts to fight climate change. >> reporter: greens don't like natural gas, it is cheap, abundanat and threatens to undermined alternative energy. >> we're saving consumers mon money through lower energy bills and lowering prices on goods and services through lower cost savings passed on through the consumer. >> reporter: dramatic reductions came not through carbon tax or u.n. mandate, private sector forces and technologies greens oppose. >> process of fracking natural gas creates a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. >> reporter: so they oppose high i can fracturing because the more natural gas, lower the price. longer it would take before wind and solar replace
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fossil fuels and are cost competitive. back to you. heather: william la jeunesse, live for us, thank you. bill: the spring season pull ad houdini. where did it go? a a major snow storm is battling the midwest. that is look at white stuff throughout the country. tough going out there. it was supposed to be spring right? heather: old man winter has not given up. >> all i heard was we would have snow. i didn't hear how much we were getting. this is quite a lot. >> is this frustrating. this is march or spring. >> every year seems like it is like this. so just have to relax.
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bill: here we go on the 25th of march. snow records have been shattered, yet another spring storm burying parts of the country and taking its frozen march further to the east. welcome to a brand-new hour of "america's newsroom." what we left you with before the break is what is happening in
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the state of maryland. wear going to go there live. i'm bill hemmer. welcome heather. >> nice to be here. i'm heather childress in for martha maccallum. a fall whitehouse in missouri wakes up to ten inches of snow i'll colorado and kansas are closer to 3. this thing is far from over. it's moving fast. maria molina in the fox weather center. first to steve centanni in haigers town, maryland. what is the situation where you are right now? i can see it's snowing. >> it is snowing, and it's cold and the big question is whatever happened to springtime? we've had a lot of these pesky snow storms during the winter dropping one to two to three inches of snow and its still the end of march and we are expecting warm weather later not now and we still have this. take a lock off into the trees here, it looks more like januaryer march.
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winter wonderland, very pretty, a lacey tap is tree of snow in the trees. it's not what any of us expected or wanted and it's a problem for people trying to get to work to drive around. take a look at interstate 70. traffic light here, but this highway by the way the storm has barreled all the way along this highway, all the way from colorado where a foot of snow was dumped in denver, all the way through illinois, indiana, ohio and now the eastern seaboard. there hasn't been a lot of problems here. i talked to the maryland state police a little while ago and here is what he told us. >> this particular storm kind of came in quickly. fortunately we got the good media coverage and it alerted everybody about it. they saw all the problems that were in the midwest. traffic today on the interstates is much lighter than it normally for us a monday morning. i think people have headed it, stayed off the roads, which is helpful to us, decreases the number of crashes we have to investigate. >> the best advice is of course if you can stay off the roads do
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it, because it can be very slick and icy especially on some of the side roads, heather. >> your description was so poetic, a lacey tap is tree in the too much the trees there. have there been any power outages caused by the snow? >> reporter: that is one of the problems with this type of snow, it piles up on the tree pwrafpbs and yes there have been thousands of people's with power knocked out because of this late season snow. heather: thank you. steve centanni. bill: meteorologist maria molina is live in the fox news weather center. she is one of the most popular people in the building. >> when there is a storm. bill: today that is debatable. it's supposed to be spring. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. that's right it's supposed to be spring but not feeling like it. as you look out the window in
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some of these places like indiana, ohio, pennsylvania, even in new jersey you're looking at some snow coming down. as you head outdoors temperatures also very cold hovering around the freezing mark or just above that across places in the northeast into the midwest. when you factor in the wind it feels even colder. we will be showing you very quickly some of your current temperatures. right now that snow is coming down across parts of maryland, pennsylvania. as you head into the higher elevation of west virginia, northern parts of virginia and pennsylvania that is where you're talking about some of the higher snowfall totals. that right there was cleveland where they are still seeing the snow come down across parts of ohio and inch too indiana. we are seeing as far west today as illinois where some places have actually picked up 3 inches of snow. some spots locally a little bit higher. a lot of snow with the storm system. north carolina could see 4 to 6 inches of snow. again that's at some of the higher i will louisiana sraeug
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sraeugs -- elevations where you're looking at more no. 39 in new york city. you're going to have a hard time seeing the snow particular sticking on the roadways. kansas city 29 degrees. you factor in the wind bill take a look at some of the current windchill temperatures in the teens, minneapolis, kansas city, denver it feels like 3 below zero. you still need the heavy coat, ear muffs and the gloves. bill: can you imagine the skids with a snow day today? it's almost april and school has been canceled for so many of them. heather: some spring break in the snow. all that snow meantime promoting new fears of flooding especially adam, wisconsin they've picked up as much as 16 inches of snow this time around, a new record by the way. meteorologists say this it's all due to the late arrival of spring if it does arrive. bill: wild records all over the
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place. a hundred and 39 records in one day. another 3 snowfall record were tied and five monthly snowfall records were set. i mean this winter is longer than lent. get it on out of here. my. heather: i wonder if anyone gave up snow for lent because that didn't work. bill: it did not work, you're right. all right five minutes past the hour now. a government agency boldly going with your tax dollars where no man has gone before. >> lieu ten at mckee report. >> sir, it's worse than we've thought. there is money laundering, man cures running rampant in the street. they are even exchanging their lowest currency for bills. that's right sir pennies on the dollars. bill: the irs under fire for this training video, the parity star trek costing tens of
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thousands of dollars the same money used for a sinned of gila began's island in 2010. red-faced irs officials saying the video was a mistake and would not be made today. on top of all that it was bad. charlie hurt columnist for the washington times. good morning to you. what are they doing with our money here. >> it makes you want to pull your hair out for millions of americans around the country looking at this video which cost $60,000. this is more than their entire payment to the irs. and they are sitting there thinking, my goodness, so this is what i paid for? this is all that hard, earned money that i handed over to the federal government went to this? i think the larger issue here that sort of gets lost in this is the fact that, you know, any time that the government gets this big and collects this much money it's bound to waste it on things like this.
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bill: as you know there are some government agencies if they don't spend the money they lose the money. they are almost forced to spend it. you say the irs has a tv studio, a $4 million tv studio. for what? to do things like this. imagine all the videos we didn't see that we haven't heard about, and they won't release the gilligan's island one. there is no telling what things we would roll our eyes over. it's what happens when you have this much money going to the federal government, to the irs every year. why it has become a partisan issue about the federal government getting this big i don't understand. bill: in this case they were caught, right? i'm just reading from the article here now. the irs now says the video was a mistake referring to the gilligan's island video and would not be made today.
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would it have been made had it not been reported? i think the guess is yes. >> absolutely. as my father used to always say when i was growing up and getting in trouble, his belief was that you got cause at 10% of what you did wrong. every time i would get caught i'd get punished for all the other 90% that he didn't catch me at. and i guarantee you for every one of these things whether it's the gsa or the irs that comes out there are 90 other things that are just as bad if not worse that they are getting away with. bill: just 90? you know what i tell you charlie one more point on this. for those who are debating the sequester they point to examples like these where the government could go and find and save mon money. >> how is it that president obama and a lot of democrats, not all of them, but a lot of them are actually make the argument that we can't make reasonable, responsible cuts to the federal government, they are not telling the truth. i mean they are simply not
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telling the truth, or they have extremely bad judgment, because as this video evidences there are a lot of things to cut. bill: this gilligan's island video has been marooned for another time. charlie hurt in washington. thank you. heather: growing fears for the future of american cities. a city of some 300,000 people heading to bankruptcy court. will others be soon to follow? we'll debate that. bill: what about the future of the republican party? karl rove weighs in on that, why he says don't give up the party just yet. heather: a major update on a u.s. pastor jailed in iran for his faith. how a top diplomat is getting involved. >> and i have to tell them that he was in prison, because he loved jesus, and that he loved him very much. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money.stor. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors
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bill: this rock is the size of a golf cart, and it went barreling down a mountain in hawaii in the middle of the night crushing two cars before split nothing half and crashing into the neighbor's garage. >> i was in the bedroom, and then when i was sleeping i heard the rumbling. >> just a heavy -- it was really bad. bill: it was the middle of the night. no one was injured. heather: good thing. all right so growing concerns for the future of u.s. cities as stoc stockton, california heads to bankruptcy court. they racked up a billion dollars in debt in two years. we hear about other places in similar situation. some are wondering whether other u.s. cities will soon follow. matt mccall is president of financial group l. l. c. and
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countdown to the closing bell on fox network. california's 13th largest city officially heading to bankruptcy court today. a city in detroit trying to avoid the same thing, the largest city ever to be put under state control. if i live in a small town say in mississippi, i live in a farming community out in midwest or here in the big city of new york city, why do i care, how does it effect me, liz? >> it is interesting if you are part of a municipality that is in debt. when it comes to the clip that happened here situation probably unlikely unless your city finances are in such arrears and a dire state that you too should be watching. everyone can learn a lesson with what is happening in stockton, california today. heather: talking to stockton we
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said they accumulated one billion in debt within two years. what was the money spent on and what roll in unions played in this. i understand that ten employee unions have agreed to temporary wage and benefit cuts. should they do more? >> they have to do more or they will do nothing. the unions are in a situation now that if they do not retkpwrerb it will go bankruptcy court and the contracts will be wiped out and they'll have to start over. if the unions had half a brain they'd said let's take something, it's better than nothing. it was a pure boom in stockton, california. you had development fees coming in this they've never seen before. property taxes were going up, property values were going up, more coming into the city and they were spending like drunken sailors. the unions took srafpbg it and said you have a lot of money we want benefits not only for me but my spouse for the rest of our lives. >> the city agreed, you can't make the unions out to be all bad, but now both sides have to
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wake up, smell the coffee and say, you know, it's not that commercial of the old den days, let the good times roll, it all has to be cutback. >> they were doing what a lot of americans were doing at the time, and got themselves in trouble as well spending what they didn't have. >> a balance sheet in your haas hold, you look at it and say i don't have that much money coming in and this much money coming out, you cut your cable bill. your phone call. heather: that's what they should did. >> they cut many things and it wasn't enough because you have to cut the pension. >> they've cut the police force and fire and you're seeing crime skyrocket. you're not going to get more people to move in there. the way they fix this is bring in more revenue. you need more company toss come in and open a company in stock tonight. you won't a tract companies in stock stopb when you have crime through the roof.
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same thing with detroit. heather: let's talk about that. their long-term debt of more than 14 bill, $327 billion deficit. they don't want to get to where stock toeupbs righ stockton is right now so they are under this emergency pherg, state control. a lot of people have scheduled a protest today, are being called for to protest this move. what exactly wha will he be responsible for? >> slicing and dicing. cutting salaries of city employees. detroit already has a high crime rate. you don't want what happened to stockton, just like matt said they have per capita more murders in the city of chicago. how is that possible, little stockton? if you look at the map in california everybody was moving out in san francisco, properties were too high there, same with palo at torques silicon valley, they moved to stockton.
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what could happen in detroit unless they start cutting more. if detroit has to file for chapter 9 bankruptcy municipal that would make headlines around the world and kind prus would be booted off the front page. >> that's what they are trying to do and -- >> the mayor and the city council loose all the authority they shr-fplt they've been trying and they can't do that. they can't negotiate contracts because a lot of them are involved in a roundabout way with the contracts originally put forth. he'll come in and say listen you're going to cut the spending right here or we are going bankrupt. he's come out and said i've been through bankruptcy before i'm okay going through it again in detroit. >> reverend jesse jackson calling for massive demonstrations gains him today. we'll see what happens. bill: new developments in the night to free an american pastor held in iran's most notorious prison. there are signs this morning for encouragement for his family. heather: plus, another dangerous
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sinkhole, another one opening up and this one also not far from where the first one swallowed a man as he slept. >> i was scared. i was scared that maybe our house would go. >> i'm scared and nervous. it's my house. i'm worried about not every being able to live back in this house. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain.
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here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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michael, tell us why you used to book this fabulous hotel? well you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it, and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. now you can save up to 50% during priceline's spring hotel sale use promo code spring for additional savings on all express deals, including pet friendly hotels. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding.
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heather: welcome back. a disturbing case of deja vu to tell you about. a sinkhole 8 feet wide, ten feet deep opens up between new homes
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in florida. it is in the same town where a similar incident played out just last month. >> once we found out it was a sinkhole i went to go tell my dad because i know someone might get hurt. >> i said, oh my gosh, it scared and startled me. >> i'm scared and nervous, it's my house. i'm worried about not ever being able to live back in this house. heather: of course they are scared. the sinkhole took one man's live after swallowing him as he slept. experts say that this area apparently is prone to sinkholes. bill: $338 million, that is the powerball jackpot. there is one winning ticket sold in the state of new jersey. the person or people who bought it still a mystery, though. fox, new york has the latest. >> probably by a new car and a house.
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>> take care of my family. >> many lottery ticket buyers had high hopes that their numbers would match up with the winning six combo but there is only one winning ticket for the $338.3 million jackpot, the fourth largest in powerball history. that means the winner can take home a lump sum payout of $221 million. those who know for sure they won't be cashing in have some suggestions for the winner whose financial future has changed overnight. >> hire a professional, get is inch sresd. >> put some money away but testify in it lee have fun of it. >> i'd put a big chunk of it away and go from there. >> 13 other ticket holders who matched five numbers can each claim a $1 million prize. they bought their tickets in 11 different states, including new jersey and new york. >> i'm hoping it's somebody i know, maybe my sister, my brother, you never know. you never know. bill: lisa everts reporting from
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hoboken, new jersey on that. there is all this talk about who it is or who it might be. heather: waits you. bill: it wasn't me. was it you? heather: no i didn't buy a ticket. bill: if you take the lump-sum payout you will walk away with $221 million. heather: nice. bill: that remainder that goes to the government will be able to may for the irs video we just watched. heather: communities do well. a lot of the portions go to ed indication, that's good. bill: let's hope. let's hope. heather: major developments on the american pastor locked up in iraq. we will tell you -- iran i should say. we will tell you about the new signs of hope for his family, plus -- >> she walked quite a distance in a very, very threatening environment, it's very black out here, very dark. bill: a child escaping a crash, but finding herself in new danger when she's forced to find help in the dead of night.
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heather: and the future of the republican party, karl rove weighing in, why he is saying, don't give up just yet.
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bill: 10:30 in new york.
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karl rove over the weekend arguing that the republican party isn't over just yet, shooting down any suggestion that the party is past its praoeup. >> let's be clear, before we assign the republican party to the dust bin of history, 30 out of 50 governors in the united states are republicans. republicans have elected in 2010 the largest number of state legislators since 1920. the majority of state legislators are republicans. we have two robust parties, each with their own problems. the republican party has its problems, the democratic party has its problems and we are likely to see a competitive, political environment for decades to come. bill: i want to talk about this with former arizona senator jon kyl, a fox news contributor. welcome back here. >> thanks, good to be with you. bill: what do you think of karl rove is arguing there. >> he's exactly right. both parties have their problems, they always have, they always will.
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if you look at why republicans lost elections recently a lot of it had to do with the candidates themselves and i think the campaigns that were run. for example we lost two senate seats that we should have won because our candidates said some things which were easily manipulated by the democrats. let's just put it that way. they weren't the smartest comments in the world. you can't blame the party for those defeats. i think you have to analyze why elections were won or lost and both parties will make their adjustments, but i agree with karl rove the republican party is very much alive and well. bill: one of the things he said was that in 2010 the largest number of state legislators who were republicans were elected since 1920. a lot of that midterm vote had to do with the healthcare law, did it not? >> it did. although you could argue in certain states it was more of an issue than in others. the american people by polls continue to believe that the law, the obama care should either be repealed or be
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substantially changed. that is an issue and which republican kansas city continue to run and it's one of the problems that the democrats v. i appreciate the helpful comments by friends such as "the new york times" and others, about how republicans could change and be more acceptable to the american people, in reality, however, i think republicans could sort that out themselves without that kind of advice. bill: when he says that it is kraoe created a competitive climate for decades to come between democrats and republicans, how do you interpret that? >> i a tkpwraoefplt as obama care unfolds you see more and more of the problems. remember, nancy pelosi's comment we have to pass it to see what's in it and the american people are now seeing what is in it. it has not reduced the cost of healthcare or insurance. insurance has gone up as a result of care r-frplt it hasn't been good for the budget deficit or in terms of taxes paid. it raises tractioness by about a
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trillion dollars. as the american people become more and more familiar of the aspects of obama care and particularly how it will reduce their choices in insurance and the doctor they want to go to i think they will become more and more dissatisfied witness and that will be a good issue for republicans. bill: carl roeuf karl rove is on "fox news sunday." this topic came up as to whether washington is up to speed on american. senator rand paul. >> i think the legislature is about ten years behind the public. i've introduced amendments to quit sending money t and build bridges here in the united states rather than in egypt. 90% of the people agree with me 80% of my senate disagree with me. bill: do you agree with rand paul on that? >> it's a little more complicated than that. he is correct that the senate is not as responsive to the will of the american people as it should be. for example it continues to spend too much, another point that senator paul has made.
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on the other hand people in political office need to be leaders as well and they need to explain why, for example, we send military assistance to egypt. we want the egyptian military to you supportive of u.s. policy. when they buy american equipment, when they receive our help they tend to be more supportive of our position. the egypt leader is trying to play both side. if the united states withdrew awful its assistance i'm not sure he wouldn't flip over to the wrong side. it's more complicated than saying we shouldn't send aid to country a or b. leaders should complaint issues and let the american people decide. it would also be true with regard to what other things senator paul pointed out. reaching out to young people. we need more of their votes. the yes is do you add support or substitute voter a for voter b with policies that might appeal to young people. for example, legalization of
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drugs. he says he'd like to reduce some of the penalties for drug possession. you can have that debate. the object at end of the day its to make sure you've added voters that support you not substituted one voter for another. bill: in the end when you were reflecting on what senator paul had to say in the ten seconds i have left, did he make a fair point about the party or not? >> it's fair in the sense that you do need to add people but you have to be careful how you do it so that you don't turn off voters that already support you. in that sense we'll continue to have the robust debate within the republican party and hopefully be better prepared for the next election. bill: thank you, senator. jon kyla, live in phoenix. heather: a major update to sell you about on saeed abedini who has been locked up in iran over his catholic faith. america's top diplomat, secretary of state john kerry calling for his release. why it does not bring him home
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his wife says that the gesture has given her new hope for her husband's freedom saying this, quote, i am hopeful that this will put more pressure on the iranian government to act and free saeed abedini so he can return to our family in the united states. bill: she has been terrific to our program and very strong from boise, idaho and testifying in washington d.c. when the american government gets involved you get results. we'll see whether or not this moves the meter on this. heather: i know you closely followed it, just last friday did a story on it and after that kerry made his comment. don't know if that had anything to do with it tensions rising in the middle east after israel fires a guided missile into syria. what to make of one of the most serious incidents between the two countries since syria's civil war bee gone. bill: how did this car get from the garage to up there?
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there it i [ man ] so i used mineo get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply. bill: police say the driver apparently lost control. you think? the driver's wife says they came down a hill and could not stop as they turned the corner before they new it they were airborne. a crane eventually used to remove the vehicle from on top of that roof. no one was home at the time. but i just want to make it khraoerbgs the ma clear, the man was driving. heather: very nice of you to make that clear. why, what is your point? bill: i'm here for you. heather: growing fears that america's greatest ally in the middle east is being dragged into war. israel now confirming that it has fired a guided missile into
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syria after bullets flu over the border and struck an israeli military vehicle. while this is not the first time israel has been forced to return fire some say that this latest act, it actually may be part of a larger syrian plan to force israel to fight, too divert attention from the bloodshed within its own borders. khapt tin chuck nash is a former u.s. navy captain and fox news military analyst and joins us with some more insight. thank you for joining us. to give our viewers a little bit of background on the area where this is specifically happening it's the area called the golen heights. israel first captured it back in 1967 and they annex edit. it was never officially internationally recognized as such though. what is the significance of this area to both israel and syria. >> the golen heights is a strategic out cropping, it's the
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high ground that looks down over the sea of gallilee and you can actually sea all the way out to the mediterranean. in the 67 war the israelis took the high tkpwrourpbgsd they maintained it since then. the people talking land for peace have been pushing the israelis to renegotiate and to give that land back to syria, and in fact i think it was the sharon government that was actually considering doing that, and now they are probably really glad they did not do it. that would be a major blunder if they ever turned that golen heights back over to syria. heather: do you think the latest incident was intentional or accidental. do you believe the bashar al-assad regime is as we made in the intro there possibly trying to pull israel into fighting with them to take the heat off
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of what's happening within their own country? >> it's very difficult to tell. this is a fluid situation up there. like you were talking about you've got syrian troops under the bashar al-assad regime. you've got the syrian national council troops that are having problems with the syrian opposition coalition. everything is tpraufrpltd you've gofractured. you've got leadership resigning. who is controlling what and what they are doing out in the field. the israelis have fired into syria to address this kind of thing before. they can tell if it's random files where rounds inadvertently come over and when they are being targeted. and when they are targeted they are going to fire back, and that's happened on more than one occasion most recently just the other day with a missile. heather: this also comes on the heels, just days after israel decided to restore ties with
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turkey. could this have anything to do with that, the time stph-g. >> i don' timing? >> i don't know, heather. it could be something at that high level but more likely it is just something occurring right down where the two forces are up against each other and somebody decides to u know, pump a couple of rounds across the border and see what happens, and what happens is they wind up eating a guided missile. heather: the syrian rebels, they have actually captured a number of what's called villages on the syrian border in this particular area. could it be them? and then there is the fear that we've been talking that has risen and risen almost hourly of chemical weapons, and the syrian rebels getting their hands on them. >> yeah, sorting out who is who right there is very difficult. what the israelis are going to do, though, and this goes back to a briefing that i got on one of my trips to israel with the
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israeli intelligence folks were pwraoeufgs an briefing us. they said after the first gulf war when the iraqis were firing scuds into israel. united states pleaded with israel not to respond to that because the americans were afraid of fracturing the coalition which contained a lot of arab countries at the time. they wanted to hold it together. the israelis did not retaliate for those scud filings. after the war they did an analysis in the neighborhood and the arab neighbors saw that as the first time israel failed to defend itself and saw it as weakness instead of strength in no not stead. heather: thanks. bill: jon scott standing by
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about 3 minutes away. how you doing jon, good morning to you. jon: i'm doing well on this monday. hope you are too, buy. is a big deal taking shape that would bring monumental change to our nation's immigration laws? should we pass new legislation when we can't seem to secure the border? byron york weighses in on this. secretary of state john kerry makes a surprise trip to afghanistan after a surprise trip to iraq. what does the u.s. get out of his efforts? lots of news today out of syria as the civil war there continues to rage on. is the united states getting more involved? the late night wars, the musical chairs happening in after-hours television. is nbc repeating the same mistake they made in the ann curry debacle? we'll talk about it with our news watch panel "happening now." bill: good deal. see you in ten minutes. there was a mystery of potentially deadly consequences. a vial containing a deadly virus has gone missing at a secure research facility. the threat that could pose in
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heather: welcome back. x have a story for you now of one brave little kid. police in southern california saying this a 9-year-old girl, she scaled a cliff and she trekked a mile over rough, rough terrain to get help after surviving a car crash that killed her father. >> she walked quite a distance in a very, very threatening environment. it's very black out here, very dark. it's very steep and it's brushy
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and there are also coyotes in the background. to someone who is raised in a more urban environment as opposed to a rural setting that could be quite intimidating. >> a good samaritan spotted the child and called police. the girl reported in good k-fpblt she had cuts and bruises. she and her father were returning home from a party when he apparently lost control of his car. police are now investigating whether alcohol may have played a role. bill: she is okay, right. heather: she is okay. bill: growing concerns this morning after a vial containing a potentially deadly virus goes missing from a lab at the university of texas at galveston. dr. marc siegl is a member of the fox news medical a team, associate professor of medicine at langone medical center. about the possibility that this could be dangerous. >> this is called the guananito virus. it affects venezuelan rather.
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it does not affect rats from the united states. it's very deadly in venezuela rats, it's not going to jump to brit humto humans. the government accountability office is about to issue a report saying that the security in our labs isn't what it should be in the united states and that this stuff can happen. bill: you know about this research facility in galveston? tell us about it. >> that research facility in value vest ton is a very good lab, but the top research facilities in the united states and i want to reassure our viewers about this. they are called level 4bio containment facilities. cdc has two and the united states army research insurance two of infectious disease has the biggest, ten thousand square
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feet. people wearing space suits, researchers, the air is filtered, they very, very rarely have a problem and they are involved in defense against bioterrorism. so they got ebola there, and other viruses there, flu and they are experimenting witness there. they are doing it very, very carefully. they have a facility if a person god forbid gets contaminated there. bill: how does a vial go missing? how is that possible? >> well, bill, this is the problem we saw with the anthrax mailings if you recall in 2001. i think a vial goes missing if a scientist or a helper, an aide somehow mistakes it, or it disappears or they take it. i think this needs a very serious investigation. in this case i'm not worried about the public, but it's a wake up call that we really have to watch it. a lot of hands are touching things, you know, and that's why, that's the biggest risk. the biggest risk of bioterrorism
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unfortunately is a lab accident or error. bill: is that so? >> right, because we can defend against terrorists but it's very hard to defend against a scientist gone a wol or somebody that slips or an accident that occurs. this virus is not going to be the one. >> you've heard of this one before, the guanarito virus? >> this is one of the deadly viruses in animals that we are studying to see what the dave rinse. what would you have to do to this virus to get it to the point where it could affect humans. in 1918 we saw something jump the species barrier, the flu virus. it doesn't happen that often. we need to know scientifically what it would take for it to happen. it's very, very rare. bill: mark, thank you. really appreciate your insight. >> good to see you, bill. bill: dr. marc siegl live from detroit, michigan. 6 minutes now before the hour. what is next? heather: coming up next she was cleared in the 2007 stabbing
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death of her roommate, why she could be forced to take the stand again.
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